This situation is stemming from a gross misunderstanding, and A-PRO's lack of communication with the family. A-PRO Caregivers & Nannies adheres to reguations pertaining to Employment Agencies as set out by Employment Standards of BC.
Bingclaire Castillo submitted her application for services to a Relocation Service and is not operated by EL APOSTOL or A-PRO Caregivers & Nannies.
The Klose family and Nanny are waiting for VISA to be issued by Immigration Canada Singapore Post. A-PRO has completed it's first stage and is now waiting for the nanny to complete her end. Second stage, once nanny arrived at YVR -she gets picked up and completes a 3day orientation before being delivered to her family.
The article failed to mention - that the nanny has submitted her application for a Temporary Resident Visa at Immigration Canada - Singapore Post; and that there is no need for A-PRO to contact her, as A-PRO is waiting for updates from the nanny.
Excert from article:
Bingclaire Castillo submitted her application for services to a Relocation Service and is not operated by EL APOSTOL or A-PRO Caregivers & Nannies.
The Klose family and Nanny are waiting for VISA to be issued by Immigration Canada Singapore Post. A-PRO has completed it's first stage and is now waiting for the nanny to complete her end. Second stage, once nanny arrived at YVR -she gets picked up and completes a 3day orientation before being delivered to her family.
The article failed to mention - that the nanny has submitted her application for a Temporary Resident Visa at Immigration Canada - Singapore Post; and that there is no need for A-PRO to contact her, as A-PRO is waiting for updates from the nanny.
Excert from article:
Klose said she then heard nothing from the company for several weeks, despite
repeated calls and e-mails.
Unfortunately, the time frame that the family was needing me, I was out of town, and nanny was told if there was any developments in your application, call the family as well. BOTH family and nanny have access to each other.
"Desperate for child care, she began talking to Castillo directly about bringing her to Canada without the agency's involvement."
The agency's first phase -- is done. We are only waiting to deliver the nanny - which is dependant on the issuance of Visa. Immigration Processing time is out of A-PRO's control.
Castillo's information sent to CBC is wrong. Castillo delayed her application submission by 1month... it was not till pressure came that she admitted to submitting it late.... adding more time to the processing.
Bringing Castillo into Canada independently? There's nothing for the family to do only to wait for Immigration Canada - majority of the work needed has already been done.
After all this, I hope that the nanny appreciates what the Klose family is doing for her, and that she stays to complete her contract with the family. As some nannies - just grab opportunities and are two-faced.
Centre Director
A-PRO Caregivers & Nannies
Media enquiries, please email EL APOSTOL directly at: el@elapostol.com
*** Have found defamatory comments on blogs and forums. Unfortunately, all have been signed "anonymous" where's the credibility in that? If it's truely your fight - why hide?
1 comment:
Hi hope that I can leave my comment here. We are a new group of filipino nannies/caregivers who are under the live-in caregiver program.
Many of us has paid agencies - it is normal practice in our community. We pay if we want to get out. If changes are to be made, it must come from us, the workers. The Philippine Government has their own policies about placement fees -- but it is ignored.
What our group hopes to do is mobilize those caregivers that have arrived in Canada without jobs. Knowing that the processing of Visa can be potentially 4months-2yrs, depending on the country the nanny/careigver is coming from there is no excuse for arriving without en employer.
Even if the original employer was not able to wait for the processing, the agency has enough time to find a replacement.
An overseas worker arriving in Canada without a job, is not a good start for a new life.
We call on those workers and their families, friends who are aware of the worker's situation to contact us. We will help put your case together. Do not be afraid, we are here to support you.
If you have arrived in Vancouver within the last 6months, please contact us. nannies.unite@gmail.com
View our blog and participate:
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