There are several disturbing trends occurring with respect to government policy related to the live in caregiver program. We want to make you aware of these changes, in the event that you would like to communicate with your government representatives about your family’s need for access to overseas foreign caregivers.
In recent months, the government has repeatedly slowed processing times in Hong Kong, which is the best source of live in nannies in the world. We have gone from a processing time of 4 weeks to 6 months or longer within the span of one year. At the same time, it has become more difficult for the caregivers to submit and follow up their applications in Hong Kong. This is unacceptable, particularly in light of the shortage of local caregivers in our current economic environment. The changes have very negatively affected many hundreds of Canadian families desperately waiting for help.
We have received word that Citizenship and Immigration Canada is about to make it even tougher for Canadian families to hire caregivers from overseas. Within the next four months, proposed changes to the program include the following:
Employers will be required to pay all fees associated with the caregiver finding employment in Canada and associated with preparing their immigration applications.
Employers will be required to pay airfare for the caregiver.- These two changes alone will result in approx $3000-$5000 of additional up front expense for your family when it is time to hire your next caregiver. You will have to pay these fees before she even sets foot in your door, and without any guarantees that she will stay with your family or that her job performance will be satisfactory.
The intention of the government is that the caregiver will not make any financial investment in her efforts to work in Canada. This is a bad policy and will ultimately harm the Canadian families who so desperately need help. When a caregiver has nothing invested in the process, she has no motivation to ensure it is successful. This creates several implications for employers. With nothing invested, she could quit the process while still overseas after you have already waited several months, and you will have to start over again. She could land in Canada and disappear, having made other arrangements with her friends elsewhere. She could work for your family for a month or two, and then give her notice that she is moving elsewhere. And you are the one who will be left to foot the bill.
Canada provides the highest wage rates and the best working conditions for caregivers worldwide. Caregivers also have the opportunity to apply for Permanent Residence after working for two years – other classes of immigrants pay up to $120,000 for that privilege. This is a great place to work and live and is considered the ultimate destination for overseas caregivers. The caregivers should contribute to the costs of obtaining these opportunities for themselves and their families.
What can you do? Write to your government representatives. Tell them how important it is that your family has access to timely and affordable live in care. We will email you a form letter that you can fax or email to the various government departments. We suggest sending it to Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Human Resource and Skills Development Canada, your local MP and your local MLA.
Pass along this information to any friends who also have a caregiver. Our government needs to look out for our interests.
We know you are busy, but please take the time to communicate with the government about these planned changes before it is too late. Together we can make a difference.
Please contact our office, preferably via email, and we will be happy to send out the materials for you to use as you see fit. Our government needs to serve the interests of Canadians. Canadian families need faster access to live in caregivers, and should not be asked to incur all expenses upfront. Let’s work together to ensure that the program stays accessible for all Canadian families.
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